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Sports Injury

Maidstone Rugby Club

Sports Therapy

To All Club Members,

The following guidelines have been established to ensure the best treatment possible is provided to players who receive treatment from the Club Sports Therapists. The service is available for club playing members age 14 - 18 (with parental company) & all senior.


The Club Sports Therapists are available to treat current paying, playing members on Tuesday and Thursday evenings between 7:00pm and 9pm. Please use the online appointment service either above or via Facebook. 

Appointments (Tuesday and Thursday Evenings 7.30-9pm)

7:30 pm to 9:00pm 10 minute appointments

7:30pm to 9:00pm 15 minute appointments

Please note appointments between will be prioritised for players requiring treatment/taping before training and playing on Saturday.

On Saturdays (match days) the Club Sports Therapists are only available to treat 1st XV players who are selected to play on the day. There maybe students available but please contact Lead Sports Therapist to arrange treatment before the day. 

The tape in the physio room is for supports, strains and sprains – not for taping socks, ears, shoe laces. If you want tape for the latter then please purchase your own.

Please do not remove any tape or equipment from any of the kit bags in the treatment room; this will result in the Club not having the correct kit to treat players on Match day.

If you have a long term injury (e.g. an injury that will last more than 4+ weeks) or an issue that is unrelated to rugby, we encourage players to ask their GP to refer them to an appropriate NHS service for extra physiotherapy treatment. Alternatively, the club also recommends Anna Iles, Osteopath (07917356423). 

Match Day
It is the responsibility of the player and team manager to notify the therapists of any injuries, especially if it has been a serious injury of head injury/concussion.

If you’ve taken a knock; ice/compress/do not stretch for 72hrs/rest/elevation. Any major concerns then you should contact Caroline or attend the walk in centre or A&E-  don’t wait until Tuesday. When returning from an injury it is advisable to complete a return to play programme tailored to your injury by the physio team.

Please note- all players who come into treatment verbally consent for assessment and treatment and for any information regarding their injury to be shared with the management and selection committee. Please let Ben know if you do not consent to this prior to assessment and treatment. 

RFU Concussion Advice

Return to Play- Concussion
Before a player returns to training they must have completed RFU Return to Play guidelines:

Warming Up and Cooling Down
10 minute warm-up, followed by 5 minutes of stretching prior to a training session. Prior to an exercise session players should use dynamic stretches (joint movements where the range is gradually increased). After every session players should stretch, using static stretches (where a stretch is held for 20-30 seconds) for 5 minutes. Never stretch to the point of causing pain, one should only feel a pulling sensation. Gemma recommends this


We recommend the RFU Activate Injury Programme

( which showed: 

      *  Trend toward reducing overall match injuries  and 40% reduction in lower limb injuries
      *  59% reduction in concussion

Weight Training

Complete a warm up set of 10 reps with the weight being 50% of the weight normally used. Take a deep breath (inhale) while the specific muscle worked is being lengthened (eccentric muscle action), and breath out (exhale) while the weight is being pushed or pulled. Do not hold your breath while performing any exercise.

If a certain exercise cause’s pain, the player should immediately decrease the amount of weight. If this is not successful, then leave out that specific exercise for one week. If the pain is still present after one week when retrying the exercise, then leave that specific exercise out of your routine and consult the physio.

Always use good form and technique, Always use a spotter when performing heavy lifts. When picking up a weight off the floor, always bend your knees and keep your back straight.

If you require a S&C programme please discuss this with the Team and we can provide you with one.

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