SGM / AGM Notice 2023
May 24th 2023
The Maidstone FC Annual General Meeting 2023 will take place at the clubhouse, on Wednesday 14th June 2023 from 7.45pm.
The clubs Annual report will be available at the end of May and will be available upon request via email, and in paper form on the night.
Please contact the new Chairman Trevor Marvin for information.
All are welcome and voting rights available to members aged 16 and over.
Prior to the AGM will be an SGM as requested by 20 signed members from 7.30pm.
Proposal (by Mr Steve Oram & duly signed by 20 members)
‘That the following nominations for Officers and Committee Members be allowed to stand for
election at the AGM on 14th June 2023 as originally agreed by the Honorary Secretary.’
Will Fox
Dave Charlton
David Tugwell
Araminta Meade
Tom Ireland
Duncan McClintock
On 1st May 2023 six nominations for the committee were received by the secretary. The Constitution states all nominations must be received by 30th April. In consultation with the Chairman it was agreed that rather than being pedantic to allow the nominations.
On 17th May 2023 Mr Oram advised the Secretary of the following
"The constitution is quite clear. It is also a legal document backed by an act of parliament. Any attempt to change the way the AGM works away from the Constitution would be illegal and would be a denial of members rights I’m sure the members would wholeheartedly reject any attempt to infringe their rights at the AGM."
The Secretary, unaware that he was breaking the law by allowing the late nominations, immediately advised the candidates he could not legally allow them to stand for committee election in the forthcoming AGM as he and the Club would be breaking the Law.